Contact Texas Building & Roofing Supplies, Inc.

Thank you for contacting Texas Building & Roofing Supplies, Inc. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. You can download our QUOTE FORM and fax it to us at (979) 968-5302, email us with any questions. You can call us any time or fill out our online request below and we will contact you.

Three locations to serve you:

La Grange
3435 State Hwy 71
La Grange, TX 78945
(979) 966-0244
Fax:(979) 968-5302
Open: Monday - Friday 8-5
Closed: Saturdays & Sundays
Email: Sales

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Marble Falls
4000 N US Hwy 281
Marble Falls, TX 78654
(830) 693-4265
Fax:(830) 693-8061
Open: Monday - Friday 8-5
Closed: Saturdays & Sundays
Email: Matt Cogburn

View TXBRS in a larger map

Texas Building & Roofing Supples, Inc.

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